Wholesale Part Used Tyres
We are a UK based company importing used tyres from our collection points in North West Germany, we have 3 locations – 2 in Munsterland and 1 in Rheineland.
With prior arrangement you are able to select your own tyres from a collection point in Germany, with this service the minimum order is 1200 tyres, please contact us for more information. (Maximum order is between 1600 and 1800 tyres).
We are able to offer bulk deliveries of part used tyres throughout the UK, direct from Germany selected by us. Contact: Les on 07585 268811 for further information.
Quantity from;
100 – 250 (mixed sizes)
251 – 500 (mixed sizes)
501 – 800 (mixed sizes)
801 – 1000 (mixed sizes)